المقالات الإخبارية

August 19, 2024
Al Rusail Power Company is a new party in the Market

“The Market Operator would like to inform that Al Rusail Power Company (RPC) has submitted its application on 30 April 2024 in accordance with clauses. D.3.2.1 and D.3.2.3 of the Market Rules. The Market Operator, having reviewed and validated the information provided by the applicant as per the Market Rules, has found that the provided information and documentation are complete and valid. The first trading day for RPC is 19 August 2024”.

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March 22, 2022
Market Operator Separation Requirements

Market Operator Separation Requirements

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January 01, 2022
Oman Electricity launched the Live Operation on the 1st of January 2022

Oman Electricity launched the Live Operation on the 1st of January 2022

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