تقارير مراجعة السوق

1. The Market Operator is, from time to time, carrying out:

  • Periodic reviews of the Market Rules and of their implementation and the operation of the Pool;
  • Upon the request of the Authority, a review of any particular aspect (as specified by the Authority) of the Market Rules or their implementation or operation of the Pool; and
  • Upon the request of the Authority, a review of the Market Rules or their implementation and the operation of the Pool in connection with any Market Liberalisation proposed or under consideration in accordance with the Sector Law.

2. All Parties under the Market Rules and the Authority will be notified of the start of each Market Review, and each review is to be completed within a period of 3 moths or such other period as the Authority may specify

3. The Market Review Reports include the following:

  • Brief about the review and its conclusions;
  • Recommendations in respect of any Modifications which Market Operator considers should be made to facilitate better achievement of the Pool Objectives;
  • In special cases, include recommendations in respect of any Modifications which it considers should be made to facilitate better achievement of the Pool Objectives if the Market Liberalisation were to be implemented; and
  • Recommendations in respect of any Modification, or modification of the Grid Code, which it considers should be made to facilitate coordination and compatibility between the Market Rules and the Grid Code.
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